
About the performance

Fur is a playful dance performance about wolves where the choreography is a pattern of improvisation and planned dance movements. The audience gets to experience an exciting collaboration that takes place between the animals. A sprightly fox, a beautiful loon and a strong wolf dance in fur to newly written music. The work is intended for a younger audience who get the chance to think about the spiritual expression of wild animals through dance, costume and music.

Choreographer  Ellinor Ljungkvist

Music  Mikael Karlsson

Costume  Karin Bjurström

Dancers  Från Dansplats Skogs ungdomskompani, Tove Klang, Sally Stiebel och Adam Löfstrand

Production and county tour through collaboration with Dansplats Skog and Gävleborg county.  

Visningar Gävleborgs län och Örebro länsturné. 

Tack till Region Stockholm kulturkatalog. 

© 2025 gala dance bergslagen
