Frozen Lake

About the performance

Rock music meets contemporary dance on a frozen lake. Rosea Dans performs with modern choreography influenced by contemporary dance and ballet to music by Canis Lupus – a famous 90s goth rock band from Lindesberg that has established itself in the subcultural scene.

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The Sun Egg – a fairy tale by Elsa Beskow

About the performance

Elsa Beskows saga Solägget är en berättelse om en liten älva som tycker om att dansa. Om våren dansar hon välkommenkärasoldansen, om hösten dansar hon virvlagulalövdansen och om vintern fallvitasnödansen. En dag hittar älvan något stort och gult i mossan, hon tror att det är solen som tappat sitt ägg!

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About the performance

These mysterious beings have followed us throughout history and appeared in all cultures around the world in various intangible guises. Even so, we cannot yet prove their existence. This is a performance about abstract souls in pink dancing in a soft and entertaining way to soaring music.


The Dark Knife

About the performance

Taking inspiration from our contemporary popular culture, cliché-like references are given about the female vampire. A figure who is often not allowed to act as protagonist, but in this dance performance is the central figure. She appears as a beautiful, scary and cunning woman. Dressed in an expensive costume and danced to cinematic music, she performs choreographies that are mixed with classical ballet and contemporary dance. Her own voice is included in the background as a narrative accompaniment when she expresses her sadness and longing for freedom.

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About the performance

Fur is a playful dance performance about wolves where the choreography is a pattern of improvisation and planned dance movements. The audience gets to experience an exciting collaboration that takes place between the animals. A sprightly fox, a beautiful loon and a strong wolf dance in fur to newly written music. The work is intended for a younger audience who get the chance to think about the spiritual expression of wild animals through dance, costume and music.

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Barbie – A Performance About Dance History

About the performance

Barbie is a show about dance history that illuminates important historical events with humor. Several famous works created by renowned female choreographers, writers and sound artists are presented in a crescendo of humor. Kitsch, choreography and original voices are woven together in an entertaining experience for both young people and adults from junior high school and up.

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The Jaguar

About the performance

The dance performance Jaguaren is based on the well-known children's book of the same name by Ulf Stark and Anna Höglund. In the show, we meet the little boy Elmer who turns into a brave jaguar. He dreams of exciting adventures. He meets a dangerous dog named Prins and mean people who like fur, but also a kind cat named Ellinor. Elmer and Ellinor become best friends and discover the big city jungle together.  

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Stress during the Pandemic

About the film

In a series of short films created by the media artist Mirjam Hector tells different people about their experiences from the Pandemic. In one of the films, the dance artist describes how the pandemic has affected her professional role as a freelance choreographer. Experiences of financial and mental consequences mixed with anxiety are reproduced. Stress caused by the uncertainty then followed by excessive workload reveals the fragility of the artistic field. 


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About the workshop

This workshop is about reflection from a feminist perspective. Through guided meditation, experimental music, writing and dance improvisation, the practitioner visits new thought models about their own existence. Focus on the body's organs in a calming state and references to controversial authors and performance artists such as Yoko Ono, Virginia Woolf and Marina Abramovic,


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Angry Stories

About the performance

Angry Stories is a dance performance with several dancers improvising. The improvisation is born out of somatic practices and meditation. Dark dance mixes with mystical music and witchcraft. In one scene, the famous piece "Hexentanz" is recreated by the legendary choreographer Mary Wigman and performed to music by the evil metal artist Burzum.


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About the performance

Between 1939 and 1945, Nazis are believed to have murdered by hanging more than 4,000 German women of various ages. Most likely they were convicted by the so-called "The people's court" and publicly executed by commanders in the concentration camps.


The people's court was a special court established by Adolf Hitler 1934. The court held responsibility for a large portion of "political outrages" and held that acts of resistance were illegal. People who questioned the ruling regime were punished in cruel ways, a large group of which were women. Hanging was a method preferred by the Nazis as it provided more of a public spectacle and served both as entertainment for the troops as well as intimidation against the people. Few of these hangings were documented by individual soldiers with hidden cameras. Some of these images have later been found and saved as important historical documentation. 


One of the cases involved a woman who was sentenced to death for having written NO on the walls of houses around Berlin. Her street art was an act of political resistance and provoked the Nazis. Her action is recreated in a visual performance installation along with the reading of the names of all the women who were murdered.


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About the performance

With inspiration from the performance artist Marina Abramovic and her genre "durational performance" and Joseph Beuys sound work "ja ja ja nee nee nee" from 1968 puts two dancers in a similar state. They examine the development and dramaturgy of the words YES and NO together with a repetitive physical action. The investigation was documented and shown in the format of a video installation.


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It’s ok to be Slow

About the performance

A group of women talk about their personal experiences that have been decisive in their lives. Various themes such as motherhood, jealousy, depression and nightmares are touched with humility. A chosen action is performed in connection with the narration and symbolizes a core feeling from each event. The stories are also available in book form.


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She Puts Her Claws in You

About the performance

A green apple, a fish in an aquarium that is too small, a dialogue about wacky life moments supplemented with literal choreography are representations of absurd events. With challenging humor and fun dance movements, a series of scenes is rolled out and becomes a critical performance. 


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I Dwell Upon People

About the performance

Which bodies can be seen on stage? is the question we asked ourselves when we created this duo. In a banal and entertaining way, it reflects on the ideals and cultural political currents that are current in contemporary performing arts. Why are there such strong expectations of the performance artist? And why is the stage limited to a select group? A dilemma worth thinking about.


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Move Like You Have a Purpose

About the performance

This solo is a choreography where all movements follow a repetitive pattern. A movement pattern that transforms into another when it has reached its climax. The body twists into unsightly positions that affect breathing. The breathing becomes a movement of its own and enhances the physical expression throughout the solo. Finally, the dancer slowly crawls backwards and disappears from the stage.


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